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That 1 oz. of pure gold is approx. The size of a cube of sugar? That 1 oz. of gold can be flattened out to 300 sq. ft.? That a mixture of one part nitric acid and 3 parts hydrochloric acid (aqua regia) will dissolve gold? That is 1966. All the refined gold in the world would make a cube 50 feet on a side?
What is gold
- Symbol: AU
- Atomic Weight: 196.967
- Atomic Number: 79
- Melting Point: 1063° C (1945° F)
- Boiling Point: 2966° C (5370.8° F)
- Specific Gravity: 19.2
- MOH's Scale of Hardness: 2.5 - 3
What is a carat?
Pure gold is expressed as 24 carats. When alloyed (mixed with other metals), the following table is used to determine the carat.
- 24K = 100% Pure Gold
- 18K = 75% Pure Gold
- 14K = 58% Pure Gold
- 10K = 42% Pure Gold
How is gold weighed?
- 0.0648 grams = 1 grain
- 24 grains = 1 pennyweight (dwt.)
- 20 pennyweight (dwt.) = 1 troy oz.
- 12 troy oz. = 1 troy pound