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Clubs & Prospecting Resources

High Desert Treasure Club in Bend, OR

Our club focuses on three areas: metal detecting, rock hounding, and gold prospecting (we have two claims in eastern Oregon. We meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 7 pm at the Bend Senior Center, at the northeast corner of 15th Street and Reed Market Road.

Millennium Diggers Club - Yamhill OR is a new group located in Yamhill County, Oregon. The club is for people that share an interest in searching for things of value. The clubs charter is to provide members with a non-profit club that will help promote the hobbies of metal detecting, prospecting, rock hounding and treasure hunting.

Northwest Mineral Prospecting Club  Organized to provide support for people wishing to learn about minerals and prospecting and who love the outdoors and Gold Prospecting. Meeting in Milwaukie, OR

 Oregon Treasure Trail Society  Uniting individuals who share a common interest in the sport and pastime of using metal detectors to search for coins, jewelry & relics from the past. Meeting in North Portland. OR

Portland, OR GPAA - Milwaukoe, OR
Our mission is to further promote the interests of our association of small-scale miners to the community. We strive to make a difference by educating the public and expanding our reach. Meeting in Portland.

Coil & Diggers Club of Lane County Oregon   Server Coburg * Cottage Grove * Creswell * Dexter * Elmira * Eugene * Fall Creek * Florence * Harrisburg * Jasper * Junction City
Lorraine * Lowell * Marcola * Noti * Oakridge * Pleasant Hill * Springfield * Veneta


Hood Canal Detectorists Club - Belfair, WA  we are a non-profit club dedicated to the hobby of metal detecting.

North American Miners Association
NAMA is the oldest continuously small-scale mining organization in the State of Washington, and a 501c3 non-profit Nevada Corporation, dedicated to stimulating interest and providing education on prospecting and mineral mining focusing on gold.

Olympic Peninsula Treasure Hunters Club - Bremerton, WA  non-profit club dedicated to the pursuit of the fascinating hobby of metal detecting. 

Southwest Washington Gold Prospectors - Vancouver, WA All interested parties are invited to attend any of our monthly meetings. There will be opportunities to learn about prospecting laws, methods, and equipment as well as some hands-on practice. There also are outings to enjoy the pleasures of the out of doors and prospecting for gold. Meeting in Vancouver, WA.


Big Bug Mining District Mayer, AZ

( Arizona) was founded in 2014 as a volunteer-staffed club dedicated to gold mining in the Bradshaw Mountains. The Big Bug district is one of the earliest mining districts formed in Central Arizona.

Quartzsite Metal Detecting Club - Quartzsite, AZ


American Digger covers metal detecting, civil war relics, Indian artifacts, old bottles, antique coins, fossils, etc.

Coinhunter This is a Dutch only magazine that was originally created for hobbyists and collectors of treasures.  Over the years, this magazine has now also become very popular amongst non-detectorists as well.

Gold Prospectors This is a bi-monthly magazine that is published by the Gold Prospectors Association of America (GPAA).

The Searcher Magazine The Searcher magazine is the informed voice of metal detecting in the UK and available at WH Smiths, by subscription or digitally on all platforms.

The Treasure Hunting UK   Treasure Hunting magazine is a monthly magazine dedicated to the hobby of metal detecting. From first being published in 1977 the magazine has grown to become ‘The UK’s Number One Metal Detecting Magazine’. 

Western & Eastern Western & Eastern Treasures, for 55+ years the #1 publication in metal detecting and treasure hunting. Each monthly issue is packed with stories .


Detecting in Oregon State Parks

Detecting on Corps of Engineers land

Detecting in our National Forests
Detecting in National Parks is strictly forbidden!

Metal Detecting, Ghost Towns of the East
Lot's of good information

Metal Detecting Tips:

Rockhounding Paradise in Oregon   All the best public sites are here

Forums & Blogs

American Heritage Research & Preservation Society
Is it a place to expand our assistance to the metal detecting hobbyist, either individually or through an organized club, to provide Font Name knowledge and education as it pertains to the use of metal detectors. The assistance includes specific detector knowledge and "how-to and education; metal detecting seminars; regional shows to promote the hobby of metal detecting as well as historical site work; research, recovery, and preservation of artifacts; outings for society.    Metal Detecting tips, find, pictures, videos, detector info, and more!

GoldRushNuggets  Buy and sell gold.

Metal Detector Planet  You will find many useful articles and guides such as hunting in areas full of metal junk that beginners can’t deal with because they don’t have advanced equipment and they don’t have enough knowledge.

Natural Gold Trader  Natural Gold is truly Mother Nature's most amazing artwork! It's formed in all shapes and sizes, and every piece is very unique and special in its own way. Natural Gold Trader is very proud to be able to offer a wide variety of 100% all natural gold! Most of the gold available here has been very recently unearthed by hard-working miners and prospectors.

The Gem Quarry  The source for high-quality, one-of-a-kind: Each specimen is hand-selected and brought to you from around the globe. Enjoy shopping with our small, intimate company where we strive to ensure that you, our valued customer, will receive personalized, one-on-one attention and the best in customer care.

Oregon Historical Mining Information


Oregon Mining Association  A newly created Oregon non-profit corporation. Our mission is to promote mining activities and the mining industry in Oregon and to build support for federal, state, and local policies that create opportunities for mining in Oregon. Every Oregonian should take advantage of the Oregon Political Tax Credit to help a cause they believe in - by using the credit (which appears on your state income tax form), your donation is free. Would you rather give $50 to a PAC that you support, or give that $50 to the state government to take away your rights? Seems like an easy call.

Waldo Mining District To Preserve, Protect & Promote Mining Est. 1852, Oregon Territory



Andy Sabisch's Treasure Hunter's Handbook
With more than 40 years of treasure hunting experience, we have the know-how to answer your questions and ensure you are outfitted with the right equipment for the specific type of hunting you plan to do.

Chris Ralph - Fists Full of Gold

Clive's Clynick  Books for Minelab Equinox, CTX 3030, Excalibur, Sovereign, Makro Rader, White's Surfmaster P.I., and others, All must have.

Dan Hughes  The Metal Detecting Manual Dan has been metal detecting since 1973, and was voted into the Treasure Hunters' Hall of Fame in 1999. He has written for several treasure magazines and served as Associate Editor of Treasure Quest magazine.

Library of Congress - Maps from year 1100 to present. Supercharge your metal detecting and get exactly what you need on Focus Speed, from expert tips to in-depth interviews, gear suggestions, advice on how to shop for your next detector, and uncover finds to your inbox..