Raytech's Tumbler-Vibe 5 Kit
Economical and versatile, this popular low-cost unit is a favorite of the hobbyist and is used commercially as well. Will process about 4 lbs. of rock. The bowl diameter is 8" with a new convenient solid lid system. Stone Finishing Kit includes a TV-5 tumbler, an extra bowl, and a stone finishing kit that contains a four-step system designed for polishing agate and similar hard materials, which will finish 8-10 lbs.
The kit includes 100/120 silicon carbide (rough grind), 700F silicon carbide (fine grind), Iolox 50 (pre-polish), and Raybrite TL(polish). This should work fine in soft stones, just watch them closely as a vibratory tumbler does work quicker than a rotary. This kit will keep you going for quite a while but if you wanted an extra to be sure, the part number for that is 9-1056.
Shipping weight 7 pounds, Shipping Volume 1.05 Cubic feet , 11 x 11 x 14”