Small Miners Bundle
The Small Miners Bundle includes:
- The Mountain Goat Trommel
- The Variable Speed Desert Fox Spiral Gold Panning Machine
- The Trommel Spout.
The Mountain Goat Trommel operates on a reverse helix, so your tailings fall out the bottom end of the spinning barrel, while your gold concentrate gets propelled up and out the other end. Don’t worry, there’s a nugget trap at the bottom of the trommel so you don’t lose those larger pieces of gold in the tailings!
The Mountain Goat Trommel is named such that it’s light, portable, and easy to carry up a mountain, and like a goat, it’ll eat just about anything.
The reverse-helix design was first thought up by Archimedes 2000 years ago, it helped the Chinese clean up twice as much gold as the 49ers, from their tailings no less!
The Mountain Goat Trommel system is entirely self-cleaning, eliminating the need for the breakdown and clean-up that sluice box equipment requires.
The main barrel has ¼” inch deep spiral rifles spaced ¾” inches apart. We recommend you screen your placer material ½” inch or less for maximum efficiency, even though you can get ¾” rocks through the barrel easily.
The Mountain Goat Trommel has adjustable legs, but we recommend the factory setting, which puts the front legs 1” inch longer than the back legs. Use Jet-Dry to avoid fine gold loss.
You can use the Mountain Goat Trommel in a large tray, tub, or in a stream. Use with about 5-gallons of water, which is recirculated by a 750 gallon per hour pump.
The Desert Fox is an automatic gold panning machine that will refine your concentrate, so the only thing left to do is put your gold in a vial!
Both lightweight and portable, the Desert Fox can be used as a separator and a concentrator, or it can be used in conjunction with a concentrator like the Mountain Goat Trommel. You easily can run 70 pounds of concentrate per hour with the Desert Fox.
The Desert Fox uses seven spiral arms or leads. These leads pick the gold up and drop it in the central hole in less than two revolutions, picking gold up at seven times per revolution, making the Desert Fox the fastest gold panning machine of its kind.
The Action Packer case makes the Desert Fox easily portable, and it doubles as a holding tank for your water supply and material if you’re recycling your water.
The Desert Fox can operate on just a few gallons of water and will conserve water so that the only water lost is with your tailings.
Operates on any small battery of about 4amps output at 12 volts, or even a 12-volt automotive battery or a 35-watt solar panel.
The Trommel Spout is specifically designed for use with the light and portable Mountain Goat Trommel. The Trommel spout can help complete your gold recovery and refinement process by feeding the classified material from the Mountain Goat Trommel into the Desert Fox Spiral Gold Wheel, creating an entire one-man operation from start to finish.
***If you own an older Mountain Goat Trommel, make sure to call first!***