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5 Benefits of Getting a Gold Cube Trommel

5 Benefits of Getting a Gold Cube Trommel

The gold cube is a remarkable innovation that would make a nineteenth-century prospector’s head spin. The cube’s powerful water jets break down gold-bearing material, and the high-tech porous mats capture even the smallest particles of gold and hold onto them. If you’re considering getting a gold cube trommel, let this list of benefits convince you to make the game-changing purchase.

Processes Large Volumes of Material

If you want to cover a lot of ground when you go prospecting, a gold cube trommel will help you do so efficiently. This device can process up to 1,000 pounds of material in a single hour, allowing you to search a larger area in less time.

Captures Fine Gold

The gold cube traps tiny particles of gold in a way the old-fashioned pans simply can’t. The layered mats of the cube are made up of thousands of little vortex pockets that capture fine gold and hold onto it until you clear it out.

Conveniently Portable

Gold cube technology is remarkably lightweight for how effective and efficient it is. The cube itself is easy to set up and dismantle, and the whole system is light enough for a single person to carry.

Cleans and Separates

When you pour gold-bearing material into the gold cube’s trommel, the spray bar on the outside will thoroughly clean the material. Then, the trommel will separate material into “definitely gold-bearing” and “definitely not gold-bearing” so it can focus on trapping fine gold particles.

Largely Self-Cleaning

As the gold cube setup works to clean and separate gold, it stays clean and functional throughout a whole day of prospecting. The vortex mats don’t clog easily, and as long as you clean the cube before you pack it up, it will stay that way.

If you’re looking for prospecting equipment that’s a little more high-tech than a pan, evaluate the many benefits of a gold cube and trommel, and consider getting one for yourself. The cube is designed to process extremely high volumes of material, and it’s sturdy and efficient enough not to clog or break down under the pressure. Northwest Detector’s selection of gold cubes and additional prospecting equipment will help you find even the smallest particles of gold on your search.

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